Tag: Google Ads

October 26, 2021
Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads for Estate Agent Marketing

Most property businesses near to reach a variety of end customers. For example, the typical estate agent needs to generate landlord leads, seller leads, rental leads and buyer leads to sustain and grow their business. To generate property leads, you need a solid understanding of PPC and of the property market. If you’re evaluating Facebook […]

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October 24, 2021
Do Google Ads Work?

If you’ve found this post, chances are that you’ve tried Google Ads and didn’t quite get the results you were hoping for. While the concept behind Google Ads sounds incredibly solid, the reality for many businesses isn’t always so. Google Ads can lose you money. But why do some succeed and others fail? And are […]

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September 24, 2021
Why are Google Ads getting clicks from outside your target locations?

We all know Google Ads is a powerful channel for driving more leads, sales and high-quality traffic. Then why does PPC sometimes waste money without showing much return? There are many nuances to the system and both beginners and advanced users can easily use the wrong settings. One such pitfall is the location settings. Many […]

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September 10, 2021
How much does PPC management cost?

“How much will running PPC campaigns cost me?” I hear the question again and again. It’s a very legitimate question so I'll attempt to answer it the best I can. In this article, I will focus on management fees. These are different to the budget you need to pay Google Ads or Facebook Ads themselves. […]

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July 26, 2021
What are Google Ads Custom Campaign Experiments and Why Use Them? [Updated]

When you’re managing large Google Ads accounts any technique that can help maintain clarity and stay on top of performance is very welcome. Google Ads campaign experiments are a great tool for optimising account performance while keeping a clear account structure. But what are campaign experiments and how should you use them? I’ve written this […]

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May 25, 2021
Are your Google Ads converting? 6 easy steps to improve campaign performance

The promise of Google ads is so powerful. After all, we all want to appear at the top of Google every time someone searches for a product that we have to offer. So why is your Google Ads account not delivering conversion as promised? Are you doing something wrong or is the promise just overinflated? […]

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May 14, 2021
How to Research PPC Keywords for Rental Properties 

Today, I’ll share some simple tips on how to keywords research for property leads on Google Ads. Specifically, I'll share knowledge for companies looking for more rental leads. If you work for an estate agent, a property management company or for a private landlord then this PPC guide is for you. Let's get started!   […]

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April 23, 2021
How to measure lead form submissions with Google Ads

If you’re new to Google Ads or if you’ve been using the platform for a while, you’re probably aware of the power and complexity of the platform. There’s no doubt that well managed Google search campaigns can have a massive impact on your business, but they can also get expensive quickly. Without clear measurement and […]

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